Classes | Macros | Functions
juce_LocalisedStrings.h File Reference


class  LocalisedStrings
 Used to convert strings to localised foreign-language versions. More...


#define TRANS(stringLiteral)   juce::translate (stringLiteral)
 Uses the LocalisedStrings class to translate the given string literal. More...
#define NEEDS_TRANS(stringLiteral)   (stringLiteral)
 A dummy version of the TRANS macro, used to indicate a string literal that should be added to the translation file by source-code scanner tools. More...


JUCE_API String translate (const String &stringLiteral)
 Uses the LocalisedStrings class to translate the given string literal. More...
JUCE_API String translate (const char *stringLiteral)
 Uses the LocalisedStrings class to translate the given string literal. More...
JUCE_API String translate (CharPointer_UTF8 stringLiteral)
 Uses the LocalisedStrings class to translate the given string literal. More...
JUCE_API String translate (const String &stringLiteral, const String &resultIfNotFound)
 Uses the LocalisedStrings class to translate the given string literal. More...