Classes | Functions
juce_OpenGLGraphicsContext.h File Reference


struct  OpenGLGraphicsContextCustomShader
 Used to create custom shaders for use with an openGL 2D rendering context. More...


std::unique_ptr< LowLevelGraphicsContextcreateOpenGLGraphicsContext (OpenGLContext &, int width, int height)
 Creates a graphics context object that will render into the given OpenGL target. More...
std::unique_ptr< LowLevelGraphicsContextcreateOpenGLGraphicsContext (OpenGLContext &, OpenGLFrameBuffer &)
 Creates a graphics context object that will render into the given OpenGL framebuffer. More...
std::unique_ptr< LowLevelGraphicsContextcreateOpenGLGraphicsContext (OpenGLContext &, unsigned int frameBufferID, int width, int height)
 Creates a graphics context object that will render into the given OpenGL framebuffer, with the given size. More...