Classes | Macros | Typedefs
juce_MessageManager.h File Reference


class  MessageManager
 This class is in charge of the application's event-dispatch loop. More...
class  MessageManager::MessageBase
 Internal class used as the base class for all message objects. More...
class  MessageManager::Lock
 A lock you can use to lock the message manager. More...
class  MessageManagerLock
 Used to make sure that the calling thread has exclusive access to the message loop. More...


#define JUCE_ASSERT_MESSAGE_MANAGER_IS_LOCKED   jassert (juce::MessageManager::existsAndIsLockedByCurrentThread());
 This macro is used to catch unsafe use of functions which expect to only be called on the message thread, or when a MessageManagerLock is in place. More...
#define JUCE_ASSERT_MESSAGE_THREAD   jassert (juce::MessageManager::existsAndIsCurrentThread());
 This macro is used to catch unsafe use of functions which expect to only be called on the message thread. More...
#define JUCE_ASSERT_MESSAGE_MANAGER_EXISTS   jassert (juce::MessageManager::getInstanceWithoutCreating() != nullptr);
 This macro is used to catch unsafe use of functions which expect to not be called outside the lifetime of the MessageManager. More...


using MessageCallbackFunction = void *(void *userData)
 See MessageManager::callFunctionOnMessageThread() for use of this function type. More...