Classes | Macros
juce_Singleton.h File Reference


struct  SingletonHolder< Type, MutexType, onlyCreateOncePerRun >
 Used by the JUCE_DECLARE_SINGLETON macros to manage a static pointer to a singleton instance. More...


#define JUCE_DECLARE_SINGLETON(Classname, doNotRecreateAfterDeletion)
 Macro to generate the appropriate methods and boilerplate for a singleton class. More...
 This is a counterpart to the JUCE_DECLARE_SINGLETON macros. More...
#define JUCE_DECLARE_SINGLETON_SINGLETHREADED(Classname, doNotRecreateAfterDeletion)
 Macro to declare member variables and methods for a singleton class. More...
 Macro to declare member variables and methods for a singleton class. More...