

class  IPAddress
 Represents an IP address. More...
class  MACAddress
 Represents a MAC network card adapter address ID. More...
class  NamedPipe
 A cross-process pipe that can have data written to and read from it. More...
class  StreamingSocket
 A wrapper for a streaming (TCP) socket. More...
class  DatagramSocket
 A wrapper for a datagram (UDP) socket. More...
class  URL
 Represents a URL and has a bunch of useful functions to manipulate it. More...
struct  URL::DownloadTask::Listener
 Used to receive callbacks for download progress. More...
class  URL::DownloadTask
 Represents a download task. More...
class  WebInputStream
 An InputStream which can be used to read from a given url. More...
class  WebInputStream::Listener
 Used to receive callbacks for data send progress. More...

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